The Problem

I’m a creative writer, and I think there’s a need for a new app designed to teach creative writing to teenagers. Schools are focusing more and more on expository writing, leaving students with little instruction on creative writing. So I came up with the idea for Write Creatively. As the designer, the main challenge I faced in designing and building this responsive website was limiting the scope of the instruction.

figurative language




story elements

word choice





college essay writing

character development

The Competitive Audit

The competitive audit I conducted in order to to understand the current marketplace proved that there is a definite need for a new app that teaches only creative story writing. It is important for teens to learn how to write in all genres. However, public schools are focusing more and more on expository writing and less and less on narrative writing.

The Personas

I created two personas based on the characteristics of the users I designed the app and website for. They both represent teens who are passionate about creative writing but who don’t have access to the instruction they want and need.

The Initial Designs

After creating a journey map for each of the two personas, I designed five paper wireframes of the app’s home page and one paper wireframe of each of the three subsequent pages in the app.

The Usability Study

Next, I turned my paper wireframes into digital wireframes and then designed a low-fidelity prototype of the first four pages of the app. I conducted a usability study and placed the participants’ feedback into an affinity map.

The Information Architecture

Designing the IA for my responsive website really helped me see the site as a whole and determine that every necessary element was present.

Ideating and Revising

After that, I created a high-fidelity prototype for a mobile phone (left), an iPad (below), and a website (below). Based on the results of my usability studies, I made it clear on the home page that this app is designed for teenagers. I also added a message ensuring users that their private information will not be published. In addition, I gave users options for the picture they use to represent themselves. Finally, I added a message thanking users for signing up.

Responsive Designs

I created designs for a mobile app (left), a tablet (center), and a desktop (right).


This design process led me to a number of new insights. First, UX design is about people more than technology. I must keep the user in mind throughout the entire process. The competitive audit helped me narrow my focus. Feedback is a critical component of the design process. It’s important to remain open to all possibilities. And the design process doesn’t end with the high-fidelity prototype. I will continue to revise my design based on user feedback.